Thursday, March 6, 2025

Bulls set to draft guy with the look of a league MVP

Sam Cicioni bears a striking resemblance to Phoenix Suns two-time MVP point guard Steve Nash. Until now, however, that has earned the Akron, Ohio, schoolteacher little more than a few second glances and one mistaken make-out session at a Cleveland bar when the Suns were visiting town. But thanks to the inept draft habits of the Chicago Bulls, that's all going to change: Cicioni has been notified by the Bulls that he will be the team's first-round draft pick Wednesday.

Bulls and Cubs seasons end on same night

A pair of frustrating losses Thursday night left two of Chicago's pro sports teams wondering what could have been. For the Bulls, the end came after a roller coaster year that bottomed out for good after the Miami Heat knocked them out of the playoffs' first round. For the Cubs, the end came just one month into the season.

Hinrich’s hip-hop album ‘Kirkology’ is an airball

With Jay-Z retiring last year and Eminem looking to hang up his tracksuit, there just might be room in "da house" for Bulls guard Kirk Hinrich. Going by the name, CAPTAIN K.I.R.K., Hinrich hopes to follow in the footsteps of other great rap stars who began their careers as athletes, like Shaquille O'Neal and the '85 Bears. But if Hinrich's first effort is any indication, this gangster needs a little more "shizzle."

Over | Under with Pete Rose

Thank you, Barry Bonds. Now I may have company in the "this guy is such a jerk, we won't elect him to a Hall of Fame that already has Ty Cobb as a member"-class of MLB greats. If you want to grab lunch sometime, give me a call. We can discuss ways to get back at Selig. I've always been a big fan of flaming bags of dog poop on his doorstep, but I'm open to suggestions. In the meantime, let's gamble!

Kukoc still brags about time he made that winning shot

Milwaukee Bucks forward Toni Kukoc has been a part of many big games. Known as the "European Michael Jordan," Kukoc was named European Player of the Year three straight times before starting his NBA career with the Bulls in 1994. He played a big role during the second Bulls' three-peat, coming off the bench to pour in 13 points per game during their championship runs.

Post-Jordan Bulls value teamwork over winning

Amidst yet another losing season following the retirement of Michael Jordan, members of the Chicago Bulls have been searching hard for that silver lining.

Sterling to buy Clippers: ‘This won’t end well’ says everyone who’s ever met him

Real estate developer and attorney Donald Sterling today committed to purchase the San Diego Clippers for nearly $13 million, an astronomical amount of money for a ball club with a dwindling fan base and only three winning seasons since its 1970 inception.