Monday, March 10, 2025

Thibodeau named to Team USA staff for 2016, hopes to have Rose back by...

"Gee, that's a tough one," Thibs said. "I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, but I would think that four years would be more than sufficient time for a knee injury to heal."

Justin Bieber placed on suicide watch after Heat, Kings lose

Nobody took the near-simultaneous losses harder than Heat/Kings diehard fan Justin Bieber.

Paul George blames Pacers loss on last week’s dramatic episode of ‘Game of Thrones’

"I mean, no spoilers obviously, but for those of you who saw the episode ... that last scene, oh my God, right?" a still shaken George told the media after the game. "That was out of nowhere! Just, totally crazy. Needless to say, when we were done with the episode, man, we just weren't in a place to go out and get that win, you know?"

Birdman to Sager: ‘That look is completely tasteless’

It seems that the Birdman, known for his quite unique appearance, took exception to Sager’s own inimitable look.

Clerical error forces Game 7 between the Heat and Packers

"Turns out Green Bay was on a team retreat to South Beach, so it all worked out really well for them unfortunately," said Nellie Scott, the NBA admin whose fatal "K" keystroke forced the Packers to take on the Heat rather than the Pacers. "It really was a bloodbath."

Hibbert asks Collins out for a drink after gay slur

“I meant no disrespect to our gay brothers, not that there is anything wrong with that,” Hibbert said in a Tweet while referring to a noted episode of 'Seinfeld' about gays titled “The Outing.”

NBA replaces logo with silhouette of LeBron flopping

"It looks like the original silhouette on the logo is running over LeBron but we all know LeBron is acting" said Stern. " I mean, come on, everyone knows LeBron flops like a fish out of water any chance he gets."