Saturday, March 29, 2025

ESPN adds new Yankees-Red Sox channel

“Once again, ESPN has broken new ground in sports programming,” said a network spokesperson. “The interest in these two teams is overwhelming among the only demographic that counts, the northeast United States.”

Ricketts admits buying Cubs just to get publicity in Vineline

Cubs owner Tom Ricketts this weekend admitted that he only purchased the Cubs so he could get on the cover of Vineline, the official Cubs magazine and his favorite reading material.

Don Cooper starts ‘Fire Ventura’ Facebook page

After being grilled by the Sox front office, Cooper eventually came clean, claiming the online effort to out the Sox skipped we merely a joke.

Cubs to unveil gigantic Crosstown Cup championship banner

The Cubs announced Friday that they would celebrate their 2013 BP Cup win with a 6,000-sq. ft. banner in the left field bleachers. Cubs officials are extremely excited about the banner rasing ceremony, which will take place this September before the Pearl Jam concert at Wrigley Field.

Marlins fan falls asleep while diving for home run ball

After a home run off the bat of Justin Ruggiano flew halfway into the second deck, Florida resident Andy Kelley reached most of the length of two full seats to intercept the ball as it bounced by, but fell asleep in the middle of the effort.

Hawk Harrelson blames umps for low attendance at US Cellular Field

White Sox broadcaster Ken "Hawk" Harrelson is known as a bit of a homer during his team's telecasts and sometimes yelling at the umpires on close plays. Now he's blaming the umpires somehow for a long-standing tradition on the South Side: the low attendance at US Cellular.

Umpire admits blowing call just to piss off Hawk Harrelson

“The runner was safe by two feet,” admitted Hernandez after calling the Sox’ Alex Rios out on an inning-ending double-play in the 10th inning. “I figured it would be a good time to really piss off Hawk Harrelson."