Several Cubs players cut into Blackhawks parade line
“Wow. This is much bigger than the Little League opening day parade we’d have every year back in Little Rock,” Arkansas native Travis Wood said. “However, I am a bit surprised. There aren’t any clown cars here and I haven’t seen Jim Belushi yet.”
Thousands roam Wrigleyville streets forgetting Hawks already won the Stanley Cup
Chicago police were taken by surprise on the night the seventh game of the 2013 Stanley Cup final was to be played when a crowd estimated at nearly 3,000 spilled out on to the streets of Wrigleyville.
Ricketts now officially wishes he bought Blackhawks instead
"I had nearly a billion dollars to spend," said Ricketts, "and instead of buying the Blackhawks and perhaps three or four additional NHL teams I could have afforded with that type of cash, I decided to spend it all on a team called the 'Loveable Losers.' Not one of my better moments."
Cubs Week In Review: Better than Houston, worse than St. Louis
The Redbirds, with a farm system filled with prized Holsteins, don’t show any signs of letting Chicago catch up with them, what with the Cubs' farm system as bare as Will Ferrell streaking in “Old School.”
Last remaining Hawks game attendee without team jersey finally obtains one
"It's quite a relief." said Al Shenkmeyer, of northwest suburban Crystal Lake. "I felt like such an outcast at these games, with the staring and the pointing. I feel good now."
First 10,000 White Sox fans to receive construction hardhats to watch team’s impending demolition
Since "blowing up" this team at the trade deadline is imminent, VP of Marketing Brooks Boyer decided to have some fun and is giving away construction hardhats to the teams first loyal customers.
Cubs require draft picks to purchase season tickets
The Chicago Cubs today announced that nine players from this year’s draft have signed letters of intent to purchase Cubs season tickets for next season, bringing the number to nine fans who have purchased or have promised to purchase 2014 season tickets.