Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Korean bat flippers are beginning to bat flip uncontrollably, in the streets and their...

Korean baseball players like to bat flip, this we know, but it appears the bat flip has finally gone too far. Perhaps the greatest bat flipper of all time, Choi Jun-Seok, has now been arrested several times for flipping his bat in public places, such as the middle of an outdoor market, a restaurant and a theater.

Fauci believes Javy Baez could tag out COVID-19 and end the pandemic

As the scientific community rallies to find a cure for COVID-19, the focus has turned to a magician. Not just any magician, but one who goes by the nickname El Mago.

Hotdog-eating American refuses to believe baseball is played in South Korea

Jake Beckers loves America, baseball, hotdogs and not much else.

Video game execs forced to rate MLB the Show 17+ because Javy Baez is...

“We felt we there was just too much sex appeal with Baez on the cover,” said Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO, Jim Ryan. “We had no choice but to put these parental guidelines in place."

Wellness Check Podcast: Physical trainer & Wrigley beer vendor Vinnie Avila

Today's Wellness Check is with another super-interesting guy, Vinnie Avila. Listen here!

Wellness Check Podcast: Danny Rockett of the Son Ranto Podcast and much more

Today's guest is Danny Rockett, the highly creative and energetic co-host of the Son Ranto Podcast and much, much more. Listen here!

Wellness Check Podcast: Matt Szczur unintentionally makes Brad feel bad about himself

Today's Wellness Check is with Matt Szczur who's the kind of guy who inadvertently makes the rest of us feel like chumps. But he's so damn nice about it.