Cubs add several more stiffs to expanded roster
“I’ll be damned if we’ll lose 100 games again,” skipper Dale Sveum told “These new guys are here to contribute to the ball club.”
Cubs allow Heckler staff to file real sports report as part of team’s crappy...
Apparently, the plan is part of the Cubs already dismal September call-ups. When contacted by the Heckler for further reasoning, Epstein explained.
Cubs Week In Review: The return of Ryno and a series not lost? That’s...
Friday marked the return of Ryne Sandberg to Chicago as a big league manager. The Cubs celebrated the event by bringing in Bruce Sutter to give up a couple homers to Ryno and then actually beat his team two out of three games.
Sveum twerks Cubs batting order
“I’ve decided to twerk the lineup a bit. You know, change it up,” Sveum told The Vine Line.
Epstein admits to mixing up the careers of Sandberg, Sveum
“Sandberg ... damn, I knew it started with an ‘S’,” Epstein was overheard muttering as he strode by reporters before Friday’s game.
‘Bored’ Guillen takes job as school crossing guard
Aside from a few local personal appearances and sports commentary gigs on national television, Guillen has done little to occupy his time. He told a local radio station that his days are spent mostly watching television. ”I love the Maury Povich Show. I can spend hours trying to figure out who’s the father.”
Ryne Sandberg determined to develop a personality while managing Phillies
With the enthusiasm of an accountant at a chapter 13 hearing, Sandberg told that he is committed to learning to speak in sentences of more than six words in length, show a hint of a reflection in his otherwise monotone voice, and flash an occasional smile.