AMC announces Chicago Cubs-focused spinoff: ‘Being Bad’
"The errors, the disastrous draft picks, the overpriced big name signings ... this team has it all," said Gilligan. "Much like Walter White destroys everyone in his path, so too do the Cubs lay waste to an entire half of Chicago."
‘I’m not worried about the SI jinx,’ Quenneville says while smashing mirrors under a...
"I don't see what all the fuss is about, to be honest," Quenneville said while opening an umbrella inside the press conference room.
Sveum says Cubs will win very soon, ‘definitely before the end of the decade’
We are close, very close. We will be winning very soon," said an excited Sveum. "All we need from the front office is two or three starting pitchers, four or five good bullpen guys ... we could use a second baseman who can hit ... a third baseman ..."
Brad Pitt to replace Bud Selig as MLB Commissioner
The 49-year-old actor, who has never played baseball and has publicly stated he has no knowledge of the sport, was chosen among a short list of candidates primarily due to his gripping performance in the 2011 hit film, Moneyball.
Cubs vow to avenge meaningless Braves celebration when they’re good in 4 or 5...
"They knew the clinched the East halfway through our game," said Cubs manager Dale Sveum. "It's bush league to have a big celebration on our field an hour after that when they finally beat us."
Cubs mess with Sveum by having Girardi lookalike walk around Wrigleyville
"I've seen [Girardi] everywhere around here," Sveum said. "Across the street from Wrigley at McDonald's, looking at a couple houses in the area that are for sale, and also at the bar I frequent to drown my sorrows after another loss."
White Sox fan put into self-induced coma until season ends
Searching for answers to his sorrow over the team, Schlober contacted a doctor in the Virgin Islands who agreed to render him comatose through September 29, when the last game of the season is played.