Thursday, March 6, 2025

Clark the Cub files police report after senseless attack by rogue mascots seen wearing...

It’s a somber day in Chicago. Clark the Cub, the beloved mascot of the Cubs, hailed by many as the main reason the curse was broken, was apparently attacked by a thug paw patrol...

Sobbing Cubs fan asks when he can start writing checks to Sinclair

The Cubs made the 2020 launch of their new Marquee Sports Network official today and many fans are outraged about the partnership with Sinclair Broadcasting, which is infamous for -- among other things -- forcing...

Cubs already regretting 2019 marketing slogan

"We should have given this more thought," said a representative from the team's now-fired marketing agency.

Exasperated waiter just wants Manny Machado to pick what he wants to eat already

Not known for his hastiness when it comes to making decisions, superstar and future White Sox (or Yankee, or Phillie, or who the hell knows at this point) Manny Machado has left his waiter working overtime for hours, after still not deciding what he wants to eat for dinner.

Join The Heckler at Spring Training 2019: Feb. 28 to March 3

Space is running out for The Heckler's 14th Annual Spring Training trip to Mesa Feb. 28 to March 3. This trip has everything: Beer, food trucks, a DJ, beer, sunshine, beer, ThunderDrunk and ... Cubs baseball! And beer.

Hot Stove Shocker: Harper, Bryant quit baseball to become next Siegfried & Roy

At a Mirage Hotel press conference, home town heroes Harper and Bryant explained why they will now continue the legacy of iconic Las Vegas illusionists Siegfried & Roy rather than play baseball.