Monday, March 31, 2025

Santo statue to replace Moreland in Cubs radio booth

The newly unveiled statue of Santo will relieve Moreland of his broadcasting duties effective immediately.

Campana finally gets ‘I like you’ note passed to Carrie Muskat

After months of crushing on’s Cubs beat reporter Carrie Muskat, outfielder Tony Campana was finally able to get a note passed to her that read “I like you. Do you like me? Check yes or no.”

Pat Hughes provides amicable play-by-play for three hours of rain, sirens

"He joked that they would have left if Keith Moreland wasn't too cheap to split cab fare to a nearby fallout shelter. And then someone hit the cough button for about 30 seconds, but I’m pretty sure I still heard screaming.”

Hughes sick day gives Moreland Santo-mention-free broadcast finally

Cubs radio broadcaster Pat Hughes missed Wednesday’s series finale against the Cincinnati Reds with an illness. That meant Judd Sirott, who usually fills in for Hughes during the fifth inning of games, would take over for the entire broadcast. It also meant that Keith Moreland, Hughes’ partner in the booth, would finally go an entire game without hearing mention of his predecessor, the late Ron Santo.

WikiLeaks shocker: CIA uses ‘Go Cubs Go’ to torture terror suspects

The latest bombshell WikiLeaks release revealed the United States CIA regularly uses the Steve Goodman anthem "Go Cubs Go" to torture suspected terrorists.

Judd Sirott’s application for additional inning of play-by-play duty rejected

Judd Sirott’s career fast track hit a bump in the road recently when the nonstop talker’s application for an additional inning of Cubs play-by-play was rejected because, in the hiring manager’s opinion, Sirott must be “raving mad.”

Stoney and Hawk defeat Brenly and Kasper in pairs figure skating

Last week, announcers from coast to coast participated in the inaugural Altoids Announcer Figure Skating Championships. Representing Chicago were Steve Stone paired with Ken 'Hawk' Harrelson and Len Kasper paired with Bob Brenly.