Monday, March 31, 2025

Cubs sign ‘innovative’ deal to broadcast games above urinals at Chuck E. Cheese

The TV deals keep rolling in for the Cubs who today announced their new Marquee Sports Network will be broadcast above urinals at all 17 Chuck E. Cheese restaurants in the Chicagoland area.

Cubs’ Marquee Network signs broadcast deal with several high school TV stations

Faced with losing millions in revenue due to a shortfall of subscribers because of their failure to sign cable giant Comcast, the Marquee Sports Network recruited several local high school TV stations to broadcast Cubs games and related programming.

Fox in trade talks with CBS to acquire Romo for Super Bowl

As time ticks down to the big game between San Francisco and Kansas City, behind the scenes negotiations and tempers are heating up between Fox Sports and CBS.

Akiem Hicks signs stand-up comedy deal with Netflix

"I'm a funny guy but what that guy said about my injury wasn't funny," said Hicks. "I just can't wait to show the world just how funny I am."

Sobbing Cubs fan asks when he can start writing checks to Sinclair

The Cubs made the 2020 launch of their new Marquee Sports Network official today and many fans are outraged about the partnership with Sinclair Broadcasting, which is infamous for -- among other things -- forcing...

John Fox prepares for new ESPN job by dodging his own questions

“I started preparing by interviewing myself in the mirror. It’s interesting how my answers are thorough with surprisingly little substance. This job may be harder than it seems.”

1,908 billy goats rescued at Wrigley Field before sacrificial ritual

“You see, when teams are struggling for a long time, they tend to get a little desperate,” said Chicago police officer Bob Jones. “Lose for over a century, and then something like this happens.”