Monday, January 20, 2025

Miami columnist warns Miami to prepare for Hurricane Carlos

When the trade of Carlos Zambrano from the Cubs to the Miami Marlins was announced on Wednesday, passions flared from fan to foe to media. One particular Miami columnist, however, went on a tirade for the ages that sent many local readers into a panic.

The whining pays off: Bears hire Steve Rosenbloom to clean house

"First I fire everybody. Lovie ... Jerry ... Martz ... that guy who massages the players when they get hurt. I just clean house," said Rosenbloom. "Then I go around Halas Hall repeating the phrase 'Hel-LO' until the team goes 14-2."

NCAA adds Indiana and Missouri St. to last-minute ‘Prozac Self Esteem Bowl’

In an effort to fill a holiday void of one night without worthless bowl games, the NCAA has reached out to corporate sponsors to create another bowl of little or no significance.

L.A. residents confuse ‘Paul to the Clippers’ headline as title of a new Tarantino...

“'Paul to the Clippers'?” asked a UCLA student. “I think I saw on IMDB that's Quentin Tarantino's new flick about strippers in New Mexico who seek revenge against the corrupt school boards.”

Blackhawks change slogan from ‘One Goal’ to ‘Lots of Fun Goals for Everyone!’

Since this year’s talented team nearly leads the league in goals scored, but is also in the running for most goals allowed, they have slightly altered the campaign to the lively, if less catchy, “Lots of Fun Goals for Everyone!”

‘Tim Tebow-Kim Kardashian sex scandal’-headline written just to try to break the Internet

Two media phenomenons collided today when a blogger posted a sexually suggestive headline about Tim Tebow and Kim Kardashian for no other reason than to drive traffic to his blog and hopefully break the Internet.

CBS promises to show infamous Leon Lett play only 800 times on Thanksgiving Day

“Hello friends,” said CBS’ Jim Nance, who is set to call the game with broadcast partner Phil Simms. “This game is not about Tony Romo or Rob Ryan or Reggie Bush, but a big buffoon who left his mark on Thanksgiving Day nearly two decades ago, Leon Lett, who will perhaps go down as the biggest turkey of them all.”