Thursday, March 27, 2025

Unemployed Sprewell busted at local soup kitchen

Former Minnesota Timberwolves guard and noted coach-choker Latrell Sprewell ducked into the St. Mary Magdalene soup kitchen last week and was scolded by volunteer staff for trying to steal a five-gallon pot of minestrone.

Olympic snowboarder shamed by clean drug test

A drug scandal has rocked the snowboarding world, as the results of a recent drug test taken by U.S. Olympian Seth Skylar came back negative.

U.S. Olympic team excels at sports no one cares about

The U.S. 2006 Winter Olympics team is getting the cold shoulder. Primed to seriously compete in more events than ever before, the talented U.S. contingent has simultaneously managed to embarrass itself by demonstrating interest in silly snow sports as well as anger former NATO allies by depriving them of the singular joys they can count on once every four years.

Interview: What’s the Scoop?

Tell a friend you met Robert "Scoop" Jackson and they might ask who the hell you're talking about. The ones who know will be extremely passionate. Walk down the street with Jackson and half the people will be completely unaware the diminutive man they walked by holds the keys to a large creative empire. Others stop, ask if he is in fact Scoop Jackson and then laud praise upon him. Some even take cell phone pics of him.

Interview: Spotlight on Dan Bernstein

Dan Bernstein is a mid-day on-air personality for sports radio 670-AM the Score. He and partner Terry Boers host the humorous and informative “Boers and Bernstein” show Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The highly rated radio program recently celebrated its landmark 1,500th broadcast. Previously, Bernstein was P.R. director and play-by-play man for the CBA’s Rockford Lightning. He also called games for the Cubs’ former class-A affiliate Rockford Cubbies.

Sterling to buy Clippers: ‘This won’t end well’ says everyone who’s ever met him

Real estate developer and attorney Donald Sterling today committed to purchase the San Diego Clippers for nearly $13 million, an astronomical amount of money for a ball club with a dwindling fan base and only three winning seasons since its 1970 inception.