Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lakers GM offers Pau Gasol to Starbucks barista in trade for grande latte

"I've been doing this job for more than 10 years, and still I'm stuck with this single-cup coffee maker," said Kupchak. "You know the kind where you put the little pouch into the thing and a minute later it spits out this swill that I'm convinced strips the enamel off your teeth."

Giants closer Wilson upset over look-alike ‘dictator’ beard at Oscars

“Actors don't understand what ballplayers go through," tweeted Willson. "I grow the beard to honor my team. #hollyweird #whackassactors."

Carlos Beltran cancels check for Jon Niese’s nosejob after Niese offers to pay for...

Jon Niese through he was returning a favor when he offered to pay for Carlos Beltran’s mole removal, but as it turned out, he was stuck with a bill for a nose job the former Met promised to pay for.

Shaq miffed at Blake Griffin for stealing his pathetic free throw percentage

Never one to shy away from a public feud -- most famously with Kobe Bryant and most recently with Dwight Howard -- it appears Shaquille O'Neal has his dander up again, and this time it's Blake Griffin earning the ire of the Big Contrarian.

Cespedes signed with A’s because he thought he’d get to work for Brad Pitt

Earlier this week, the Oakland A's swooped in and basically stole coveted Cuban sensation OF Yoenis Cespedes, who accepted a four-year, $36 million deal. Of the teams apparently interested in signing him (the Cubs, White Sox, Marlins and Tigers among them) the Athletics were the surprise winner.

Linsanity forces Tebow off the deep end; Broncos QB loses virginity while partying in...

Jeremy Lin is now the sports world’s most eligible bachelor, as Tim Tebow has shacked up with a mystery woman citing “Linsanity overload” as his inspiration.

University of Hawaii football denied entrance to the ACC

After a rash of preposterous college football conference re-alignments, including Boise State's admission to the Big East, the University of Hawaii was denied permission to join the Atlantic Coast Conference this week.