Saturday, March 8, 2025

Dwight Howard calls himself ‘the man’ for 1 millionth time

"I am the man," said Howard for the millionth time in his NBA career. "And as the man, I want to remain the man, no matter where I go. Derrick Rose is okay, but he's not the man. So if the man goes to Chicago, then he will remain the man and take the last shot every single game."

Marlins hire team of Austrian psychiatrists to study Ozzie and Zambrano

Warned not to get too close to the action, each doctor will be armed with two cans of mace and a stun gun should things get too crazy. It sounds extreme, but the volatile nature of Guillen and Zambrano require extreme caution.

Goodell: Presence of Boba Fett and Dog the Bounty Hunter on Saints sideline should...

At the time, Saints coach Sean Payton said the famed hired guns were with the team "strictly for entertainment purposes," but it now seems there was much more involved.

Fans shocked to learn terrible Saints defenders paid for anything besides missed tackles

Given the team's porous, 24th-ranked defense, NFL fans were shocked to learn the New Orleans Saints paid their players to injure opponents last season.

Heckler Comic: Jerry Jones and his championship woes

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones receives a dark omen concerning the likelihood of future Super Bowl titles.

Jordan offers his mansion for free to anyone who can beat him in a...

“I'm just tired of playing basketball here all by myself and need to move out of this place,” said Jordan. “So I would like to give the opportunity for someone to play me in a game of HORSE, and if they beat me, I will give my home away free of charge.”

J.R. Smith’s new haircut is a secret jab at LeBron’s hairline

“Son’s barber must have slipped up, he shoulda went to my dude, Andre in Bensonhurst” said Knicks fan Mookie. “Twenty minutes, he’d have him looking fresh.”