Sunday, March 9, 2025

National Guard deployed to rescue Johnny Manziel from University of Texas frat party

President Obama issued the executive order only after exhaustive peace talks between the fraternity brothers and the Texas A &M stand-out QB broke down at the last possible minute. When pressed by the Associated Press about the strong possibility of a nuclear option, President Obama responded that “All options were on the table.”

Cubs trade Sveum’s desk to Marlins for Ottoman to be named later

"In Dale's desk we had a tired mid-'70s aluminum piece of furniture that really had to go," said Epstein. "For whatever reason, the Marlins were really into it."

NHL salary cap lowered to $9.50 per hour

Players will also be responsible for providing their own equipment and a car-pool program has been set up for traveling to games. It is not yet known if drivers will receive an allowance for gas money.

Refs accept blame for Spurs missing key free throws

In a historic first, the NBA accepted full responsibility for blowing Tuesday night's Game 6 Final between the Spurs and Heat when officials caused San Antonio to miss several key free throws down the stretch.

SportsCenter anchors use voodoo to help Heat win last two games

With the Heat one loss away from losing the NBA Finals to the Spurs, the anchors on SportsCenter won't have any of that. They are going to extreme lengths to help the Heat repeat as champions, including voodoo.

Justin Bieber placed on suicide watch after Heat, Kings lose

Nobody took the near-simultaneous losses harder than Heat/Kings diehard fan Justin Bieber.

Paul George blames Pacers loss on last week’s dramatic episode of ‘Game of Thrones’

"I mean, no spoilers obviously, but for those of you who saw the episode ... that last scene, oh my God, right?" a still shaken George told the media after the game. "That was out of nowhere! Just, totally crazy. Needless to say, when we were done with the episode, man, we just weren't in a place to go out and get that win, you know?"