Friday, February 21, 2025

Interview: Cubs Trainer Dave Groeschner

Outside of Wendell Kim, perhaps no one has been under the gun this season more than new Cubs trainer Dave Groeschner. While he has a huge role in the fate of the team, few fans know his name or would recognize him on the street. We caught up with the man who might just be the hardest working trainer in the business.

A great real-life interview with Ron Santo from 2004

Back in 2004, The Heckler had a great conversation with Cubs legend Ron Santo. Here's the transcript.

Interview: Lin Brehmer

The Heckler: How did you become a Cubs fan? Lin Brehmer: I was born in Queens and I was a Yankees fan. My best friend had moved to Queens from Oak Park, so when we’d play stickball, we’d take turns being the Cubs and Yankees. We even had the Cleo James fan club. With guys like Fergie Jenkins, Ron Santo, and Ernie Banks, the Cubs were one of the coolest teams in the 1960s. No matter where you lived, you knew the Cubs.

Interview: Wayne Messmer

For two decades, Wayne Messmer has been the voice of Wrigley Field, serving as the Cubs’ public address announcer and singing countless renditions of the National Anthem. Ten years ago, Messmer made a courageous comeback after being shot in the throat during an attempted carjacking. He regained the distinctive singing voice that was a longtime part of Chicago Stadium’s famous “roar” and kicked off games for the Blackhawks, White Sox, Bulls, and Sting, as well as the Wolves hockey franchise Messmer helped launch. We got our pencils and scorecards ready and asked Messmer about his career, his comeback, and the Cubs.

Heckler Exclusive: Riggleman asks Sosa to shorten up his swing

After taking nearly two months to hit his 10th and 11th homers of the season Sammy Sosa has been asked by his manager to dramatically adjust his approach at the plate.

1989 Cubs News: Maddux hopes to keep Will Clark guessing in NLCS

"I've got his number," said the 23-year-old hurler. "Unless he can somehow figure out the pitches I'm going to throw ahead of time -- which is impossible -- I don't see any reason we won't be headed to the World Series."

Sterling to buy Clippers: ‘This won’t end well’ says everyone who’s ever met him

Real estate developer and attorney Donald Sterling today committed to purchase the San Diego Clippers for nearly $13 million, an astronomical amount of money for a ball club with a dwindling fan base and only three winning seasons since its 1970 inception.