Saturday, March 1, 2025

White Sox overhaul Fundamentals Deck to be more trailer park friendly

For the less fortunate Sox fan, commonly known as every Sox fan, the children's-sized baseball diamond has been taken out and a mini trailer park has been installed. Children can enjoy the rusted out 78' Chevy truck on blocks, and adults can test their hitchin' skills on the timed trailer hitch station.

Kenny Williams already tired of new job

“There just isn’t a helluva lot to do,” Williams said. “My day starts around 10 in the morning when I check the office pool’s Power Ball lottery tickets. After a two-hour lunch, I wake Jerry [Reinsdorf] from his nap about three-o’clock, and then it’s time to head home.”

Google Autocorrect picks White Socks to win AL Central Park

“There’s no better 1-2 combination than Socks starters Jake’s Pizza and Chris Sales Tax,” said the annoyingly helpful internet search function, which quickly fixes misspelled words and suggests corrections automatically as you type.

Robin Ventura favored for ‘Most Boring’ title

Caesar’s Palace Race & Sports Book released its annual odds for betting propositions for the coming baseball season, and few people are surprised that White Sox manager Robin Ventura was installed as the 4-5 favorite to capture the award for “Most Boring Baseball ‘Personality’ of 2013.”

It turns out Mayans only predicted end of Chicago sports in 2012

Most people disagree on the cause of this change to mediocrity in Chicago sports. Some are blaming the Mayan calendar, while many cite Lovie Smith for the lack of success around Chicago.

With Pierzynski gone, Chicago athletes battle to take over as city’s biggest jerk

Former White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski left town this week for Texas, leaving Chicagoans everywhere in search of the newest athlete to hate.

With so few ’90s All-Stars left in league, White Sox struggle to fill roster

"We were excited to get Jeff to play third base this season," said an excited Hahn. "Wait a minute ... his last name's Keppinger? I thought it was Bagwell."