Sunday, March 9, 2025

Join 2016 champs Miguel Montero and John Mallee in Old Town Scottsdale Thursday with...

JUST CONFIRMED: We will be joined Thursday night in Old Town Scottsdale by 2016 champs Miguel Montero and hitting coach John Mallee, co-sponsored by the good folks from Club 400. Join the fun now!

Bowman realizes he acquired the wrong Subban

Stan Bowman knew he made a mistake just a few minutes after meeting his newly acquired goalie Malcolm Subban.

Blackhawks sign 42-year-old Zamboni goalie after Lehner trade

Fresh from the success of his first NHL victory, would-be Carolina Hurricanes back-up to the back-up, 42-year-old emergency goalie Dave Ayres, was signed by the Blackhawks.

Morrow shut down after getting coronavirus

Morrow, who signed a $30 million contract to be the Cubs’ closer in 2018 has battled a variety of arm and elbow ailments over the past two years.

Cubs fans gather around massive Zenith radios to listen to first Spring Training game

With their favorite team playing its first Spring Training game in Mesa, Cubs fans blacked-out from watching the game on TV were forced to gather around their antique Zenith radios to listen to the AM broadcast.

Cubs sign ‘innovative’ deal to broadcast games above urinals at Chuck E. Cheese

The TV deals keep rolling in for the Cubs who today announced their new Marquee Sports Network will be broadcast above urinals at all 17 Chuck E. Cheese restaurants in the Chicagoland area.

Cubs sign ‘blockbuster’ deal to broadcast games on WGN-TV

Faced with a major TV blackout in Chicago in a little more than a month, the Cubs today signed what they're calling a "blockbuster" agreement to broadcast games on WGN.