Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cubs fan hopes this is finally the year the team maximizes its profits

“Sure, higher ticket prices were a good start, but I really want the Cubbies to make a financial killing,” he said. “Good organizations have a common goal from the top down, so I think we’re finally on the same page: let’s milk this cash cow. I’m willing to do my part if you are.”

Last Garciaparra Cubs jersey in captivity dies

More than five years of attempts to preserve the endangered Nomar Garciaparra Cubs jersey have come up short, it was learned early Sunday. The last known Garciaparra No. 5 met its end when its caretaker, 31-year-old Phil Hurley of Des Plaines had much of his wardrobe set aflame by his ex-girlfriend during an epic fight that subsequently ended the couple’s relationship.

Heckler Comic: Cubs owner Tom Ricketts plans for success in 2011

Once again, Cubs ownership has its eye on the prize as the team heads into the season. Illustration by Rick Atkinson.

The Heckler Fill-In-The-Blanks Article: Soriano tries new bat made of $20 bills

Introducing the very first Heckler Fill-In-The-Blanks Article. It's your chance to "write" an article that will be published on our prestigious website...

Radio Brief: New Cubs pitching coach unable to break staff’s habit of pointless towel...

Mark Riggins has been hard at work trying to end his pitchers' towel drill addiction.

Mark Your Calendar: 103rd Annual Next Year Day, March 31 at Casey Moran’s

It's Wrigleyville's social event of the spring. Anyone who's everybody (and a few no ones who are nobodies) is guaranteed to be there.

Wood injures hand signing too many autographs

“It has to be those two years in Cleveland and New York,” said Wood. “Very rarely did anyone ask for my autograph there. It must have been lack of practice.”