Monday, March 10, 2025

Cubs unveil Game Day iPhone app that allows fans to ignore even more on-field...

“I love the play-by-play function," said fan Ashleigh Loren. "I know exactly where the ball is on the field without having to glance up from updating my Facebook status announcing to my friends that I am totally at Wrigley watching the game.”

Get your tickets today for The Heckler’s Cubs-Cards outing at Wrigley

Next month The Heckler will be hosting huge group outings at Wrigley for Cubs-Cards on Wednesday, May 11. Now is your chance to get on board at the discounted price of just $45. Just visit to make your purchase.

Reed Johnson slowly becoming all sock

When the Cubs reacquired Reed Johnson this off-season, they hoped the outfielder would infuse some scrappiness into an otherwise comatose clubhouse. Instead, the team has found that Johnson has morphed into all-sock and no scrap.

MLB owners vote Selig out of office, replace him with Vince McMahon

Citing his unwillingness to adapt the league to keep up with professional football and basketball — as well as an unbearable “old man smell” — baseball owners voted Bud Selig out as MLB Commissioner. The lone dissenting vote came from Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf, also a crotchety old man.

Marmol has no idea where next pitch will wind up

"Carlos Marmol's lack of any preconceived notion whatsoever of where his next pitch will wind up is definitely keeping him up here since no one can read him in advance," said Cubs batting instructor Rudy Jaramillo.

Fukudome drills himself into ground with wild helicopter swing

It's become a sight all too familiar with Cubs fans: Kosuke Fukudome flailing helplessly at a slider low and inside as he helicopters himself around in a circle while missing the ball entirely.

Red Sox on pace to out-suck Cubs for first time since 1945

“We don’t care if the fans are behind us or not,” said DH David Ortiz. “If we suck that bad, we won’t even need Boston fans following because all the Yankee fans will start pulling for us to lose. So it’s a win-win situation no matter how bad it gets.”