Mets to retire Bill Buckner’s number in August celebration
The Mets won Game Six 25 years ago this October when Buckner--playing first for the Red Sox--failed to corral a ground ball that trickled through his legs in the bottom of the 10th inning at Shea Stadium.
Pat Hughes provides amicable play-by-play for three hours of rain, sirens
"He joked that they would have left if Keith Moreland wasn't too cheap to split cab fare to a nearby fallout shelter. And then someone hit the cough button for about 30 seconds, but I’m pretty sure I still heard screaming.”
Even in a loss, Cubs proud of 4 hour 35 minute Buehrle game
“We stretched out a Mark Buehrle start for over four hours," said a surprised manager Mike Quade. "How many other teams can say that?”
Heckler Comic: Ricketts not worried about Cubs
Cubs owner Tom Ricketts believes this too shall pass, eventually.
Start of Cubs-Sox harkens back to a time when people cared about crosstown series
"Back in the day it was Sammy versus Big Frank or even Barrett versus A.J.," said Cubs fan Tim Bland. "Now it's Pena versus Paulie or Danks versus Garza. Talk about a yawn fest!"
Entire Cubs roster to wear P.F. Flyers in effort to steal more bases
“I was watching the Sandlot on TBS the other day and was just amazed at what those shoes did for Benny 'the Jet' Rodriguez,” said Quade, sporting a pair of P.F. Flyers of his own. “It would take the lightest pair of shoes in the world and a 10-second head start to get Aramis to steal a base, but maybe these could help the rest of us out a bit."
Dad casually asks if you kept the receipt for that Cubs jersey you just...
A few minutes after pretending to be extremely happy about the Cubs jersey you gave him for Father’s Day, your dad wondered aloud if you had the receipt “just in case it doesn’t fit, that’s all.”