Bob Brenly named smartest man alive for pulling out of Cubs managerial race last...
“My doctor told me if I had become the Cubs manager I would either have an ulcer the size of a nectarine or would be completely bald right now," said Brenly. "On second thought, both of those sound more appealing than being manager of the Cubs.”
Randy Wells somehow gains Twitter followers after removing account
Tribune Cubs beat reporter Paul Sullivan reported that Wells claims his account was hacked and thus the deletion of it. Wells asked that people ignore the final tweet from the account which read “All you hatred slash bloggers go to bed. Jim Hendry is a great man! That's all he should be judged on!"
‘Joe Buck’ trending on Twitter for some inexplicable reason
Sportscaster Joe Buck was recently one of the highest trending Twitter subjects, and was therefore validated as inexplicably relevant for a period of time.
Campana overslides second and disappears into ivy for ground-rule double
During Friday's game against the Cardinals, Campana overslid second while stretching a single into a double, took off through the rain-slicked outfield grass and disappeared into the vines along the wall.
Jerry Angelo atop short list for Cubs GM position
The universal elation felt by Cubs fans over the dismissal of Jim Hendry quickly turned to the more familiar emotion of complete dismay with the news that Bears GM Jerry Angelo heads the short list of candidates to take over the position.
A look back at the Jim Hendry era from The Heckler
We laughed. We cried. And now that the Jim Hendry era has come to an end in Chicago, here's a quick look at some of the hits and mostly misses from recent years.
Breaking News: Cubs fire Hendry but will continue to pay him for six more...
"We decided we'd help him land on his feet so we'll be covering his salary until 2017," said owner Tom Ricketts. "We feel that since Jim rewarded so many poor performers in his tenure that it's time we give back to him."