Sunday, March 16, 2025

Obama declares Wrigley Field a federal disaster area

"Chicagoans have suffered long enough, and I think it's time that the federal government finally steps in to do something about it," said Obama, who insists that his support of the White Sox has nothing to do with his decision.

Woo-Woo in History: A classic painting from the 1500s

Whenever there's publicity to be had, unofficial Cubs mascot Ronnie Woo-Woo always seems to find the camera. But before cameras were invented, Woo-Woo still made it happen. Here he is in the background of a classic 1500s painting. You'll have to click the photo to see just which painting is it.

Boorish Score broadcaster Dan Bernstein bolts to start

“Let’s face it,” said Bernstein. “I am so much smarter than everyone that calls in and is employed by the station. I went to Duke for God's sake. How many times can you listen to knuckle scraping fans cry about Greg Walker or chortle 'Da Bears' before your brain shrinks to the size of a fig?”

Ricketts interviews Brad Pitt for vacant GM position after a sneak peak at Moneyball

Brad Pitt is known more for his movie star good looks than his talent as an actor, but he was so convincing in his role as Billy Beane in his new movie Moneyball that Tom Ricketts insisted on interviewing him for the Cubs' vacant GM position.

Drunk and delusional Wisconsin man briefly claims he’s living in the center of the...

Intoxicated by the success of his favorite baseball team and the 15 Miller Lites he consumed while watching them sweep the Cubs this weekend, Wisconsinite Andy Maliszewski made the bold claim Sunday afternoon that Midwestern state was the center of the sports universe at that very moment.

Baby wails uncontrollably upon receiving Cubs beanie

“Babies at a very young age can sense a traumatic moment in their life,” said the family's doctor. “Little Michael was perceptive enough to understand for his entire life he would be associated with the tragedy of this team.”

Wanted: This guy in a Cubs jersey for going nuts after Corey Hart’s HR...

Do you know this guy? He's wearing a Cubs jersey and went nuts after Milwaukee's Corey Hart hit a homer at Miller Park Saturday night. We'd like to ask him a few questions.