Theo’s first move as Cubs president will be installation of beer keg at second...
Coming off allegations that three Red Sox pitchers routinely drank beer in the dugout during games this season, the Cubs today announced plans aimed at imitating the successful formula that helped Boston end its long World Series drought.
Man making $30,000 a year claims $10M salary for Carlos Pena is ‘a steal’
Campbell, who was unemployed for several months before landing his current job in February and missed a couple of credit card payments since the beginning of the year, claims Peña — who has been in the Majors for 11 seasons — is only going to go up in value.
Cubs begin wooing Prince Fielder with loads of jelly donuts
Less than 24 hours after the Brewers fell to St. Louis in the NLCS, the Cubs have begun courting Milwaukee first baseman Prince Fielder with a variety of jelly donuts, from traditional raspberry to the more exotic boisenberry and goji flavors.
Cubs ask season ticket holders to just go ahead and make checks out to...
The Cubs sent renewal invoices to their season ticket holder base this weekend and took the unique route of asking several thousand of their customers to just go ahead and make their checks out to "Alfonso Soriano in care of the Chicago Cubs."
Theo deal nearly complete as Cubs throw in Bartman to Red Sox
"After running [manager Terry] Francona and Theo out of town, we need a new scapegoat for future failures of the franchise," said Henry. "We all know it can't be me, because I just write the checks and take in the glory when we when. Someone's got to take the blame when we lose."
Aramis refuses to ‘do the hustle’ at friend’s wedding
According to an eyewitness report from the Dominican Republic, Cubs third baseman Aramis Ramirez doesn't hustle on or off the field.
Cubs to show movies at Wrigley during home games
On the heels of Wrigley Field's overwhelmingly successful October 1 showing of the Chicago classic "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," the Cubs marketing team has announced 13 more movie nights during actual Cubs home games.