Thursday, February 27, 2025

Paul George plays entire game without impregnating stripper or taking pics of his junk

Pacers guard/forward Paul George managed to play a complete game Monday night against the Bulls without taking a single photo of his genitals or impregnating a stripper. Both exercises in self control represent a season-high for the young star.

23 Things Only Chicago Sports Fans Of The ’90s Can Relate To

If you were a sports fan living in Chicago during the 90's, you probably experienced most of this list at some point.

North Korea to execute Rodman

According to sources, Kim told his staff to execute Rodman, known as “The Worm,” because he has concluded the NBA star is “too weird, even by our standards. The guy is seriously messed up.”

Bulls continue fire sale with Marquis Teague for ham sandwich trade

"The deal almost hit a snag this afternoon when it was reported that they were going to add plain yellow mustard," said Bulls GM Gar Forman. "I wouldn't accept anything less than stone ground or dijon."

Bulls fan learns season is still going on after hearing of Deng trade

"I didn't know the Bulls kept playing after they lost Rose for the year," said Michael Denberski of Oak Park. "I just assumed they packed it up back then."

Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan among those unable to make sense of Deng trade details

"In my time as chairman of the Federal Reserve, I oversaw quantitative easing and many other extremely complex international economic policies and practices," said Bernanke. "The NBA's collective bargaining agreement makes smoke come out of my ears."

Top 8 Unbelievable Heckler Posts of 2013

When Americans weren't searching the internet for near-naked pics of Miley Cyrus twerking, some of them were reading the unbelievable sports news brought to you by your friends The Heckler. Not surprisingly, Americans mostly wanted to hear about the Blackhawks, Bulls and Bears. And the Blackhawks some more.