Monday, March 10, 2025

Islanders revealed to be fake hockey team that exists only on paper

On Thursday the NHL released the shocking results of an internal investigation of the Islanders and their dismal play this season that revealed the Islanders aren't an actual team, but a piece of paper with fake names of supposed Islanders' players. The names are rather amalgamations of famous movie characters such as goalies Happy Dufresne and Forrest Potter.

Kane tests positive for party-enhancing drugs

The Blackhawks flew into O'Hare early Sunday morning after their West Coast road trip to six fans holding "Welcome Home" signs and two league officials holding stacks of urine cups. All the Hawks did well on their routine pop quizzes save for Patrick Kane, whose urine came back full of Viagra, Red Bull, Grey Goose, and ExtenZe.

Limited space available for The Heckler’s trip to the UC for Blackhawks-Coyotes tomorrow

We just released a handful of $65 Cyber Monday spots for The Heckler's United Center Blackhawks-Coyotes trip and party tomorrow. Hurry up so you're not left behind! Price includes mid-range 300-level game ticket, pre- and post-party at The Fifty/50 and transportation to and from the game. It's the best deal you'll find on a Hawks game trip at the United Center. Click here or follow this link to buy:

Blackhawks forced to stop using Bulls’ locker room as junk closet as NBA lockout...

With NBA basketball now on the horizon, the Blackhawks will no longer be the lone tenants of the United Center. Several members of the team have been using the Bulls locker room as a junk closet this season and will soon have to make critical decisions concerning some of their stuff.

11/29 Hawks game at the UC: Time and space running out on this great...

See the red-hot Hawks return from the Circus Trip in style with your friends from The Heckler, but you'll have to do it in a hurry while time remains to get the early bird deal. Click here to buy right away.

Carcillo-Scott-Mayers line achieves world peace

"We came up with a pretty good strategy," said Carcillo. "I’ll annoy the piss out of everyone, then John and Jamal will take care of the rest.”

Comcast SportsNet wins Emmy for gripping ‘Shoot the Puck’ coverage

From the hard-hitting interviews to the thrilling multi-angle shots of pucks skidding across the ice at roughly three miles per hour, Comcast SportsNet Chicago's coverage of the "Shoot The Puck" segment during Blackhawks intermission has earned the station much deserved industry recognition.