Saturday, March 8, 2025

Dopey Coyotes fans think they got one point for Saturday’s OT loss

After an intense overtime contest eventually won 4-3 by the Blackhawks Saturday night, a large portion of Coyotes fans didn't grasp the full consequences of Phoenix's loss, thinking regular season rules applied to the postseason.

Dyslexic hockey fan starts growing playoff bread

"It seems odd to me to bake, er, I mean 'grow' bread for the duration of the postseason, but hey I've only been following hockey a year now," said Benson. "I can tell you this: someone's gonna be eating a lot of sandwiches while he watches the Hawks cruise past the Coyotes in the first round"

Bollig to be paid time-and-a-half for all postseason brawls

"It just wouldn't be fair to ask Brandon to mash people's faces in for his usual salary," said GM Stan Bowman. "Normally at this time of year he'd be brawling in Rockford bars and clubs. But since he has to work during the postseason, we clearly want to make it worth his while."

Quenneville blasts Hawks for ‘lacking courage’ to grow playoff mustaches

"Hell, those wimps in Vancouver could grow beards!" said Quenneville. "I was hoping for a little bit more backbone and fire from this team. Chin hair isn't going to impress Lord Stanley, I can guarantee you that."

Duncan Keith no longer allowed to elbow idiots in the head after 6-1 shellacking...

Shortly after the Blackhawks were destroyed by the Predators 6-1 at the United Center Sunday night, coach Joel Quenneville made a bold statement.

NHL refuses to punish Keith for dirty Sedin hit: ‘It’s something we’ve all wanted...

"There's no one associated with this league -- from Gary Bettman on down to each and every hockey fan out there -- who's not wanted to wallop a Sedin brother in the head at some point," said Shanahan. "It's something we've all wanted to do and Duncan got to live out everyone's fantasy last night."

Stalberg buys Blue Jackets, now owns franchise in every way possible

“It’s not really a big deal,” said Stalberg. “It’s not like I’m going to re-name the team or move them out to Sweden so I can practice against them in my backyard. Although now that I’ve said that out-loud, it does sound pretty sweet.”