Sunday, March 9, 2025

Blackhawks fans criticize Predators for sound business practice

“I can’t believe the Predators are trying to make more money when a hot team with a ton of traveling fans comes to town,” said Bill Wakowski, a Hawks fan from Naperville. “What do they think they’re doing, running a business or something?"

Bieber urinates in BP Cup during Wrigley Field tour, no one cares

Lost among all the controversy of Justin Bieber posing for photos with the Stanley Cup earlier this week while standing on the Indian head in the Blackhawks locker room before his concert at the United Center was a five-minute trip to Wrigley Field to take a picture with the BP Cup.

Kane completes quest to bring Stanley Cup to every bar in Chicago

"No one said this was going to be easy," Kane told a hastily assembled press conference. "Sure, the first couple of nights in bars on Division St., I thought this was going to be a cake-walk, but true champions persevere, even when they find themselves sharing a cold Schlitz with Lord Stanley and delayed passengers at the Chili's in Midway Airport on a Tuesday morning. That's hockey, baby!"

Kane still trying to figure out who Conn Smythe is

Saying the trophy will look great on the mantel of his fireplace, Patrick Kane continues to seek answers to the question, “Who is Conn Smythe?” the winner of the NHL’s playoff MVP asked in a recent game press conference.

Hungover Crawford asking everyone what time victory parade starts

"Man, this headache is killer but I've got to get to the parade," said Crawford, who thought it was Friday and had no recollection of attending the parade Friday and delivering an epic, profanity-laced 20-second speech at the team's victory rally in Grant Park. "I better get going if I don't want to miss anything."

Several Cubs players cut into Blackhawks parade line

“Wow. This is much bigger than the Little League opening day parade we’d have every year back in Little Rock,” Arkansas native Travis Wood said. “However, I am a bit surprised. There aren’t any clown cars here and I haven’t seen Jim Belushi yet.”

Blackhawks officially designate Belushi as a pain in the ass

“This has to end,“ a Hawks player said. “After one of the games in the Detroit series, I was in the shower and he’s there snapping my rear end with a towel."