Thursday, February 27, 2025

Joba questioned after empty boxes found in Rafael Soriano’s home

The Yankees hope it’s much ado about nothing. Rafael Soriano isn’t so sure.

Ike Davis’s Valley Fever was misdiagnosed as ‘Jungle Fever’ by Mets medical staff

Before seeking a second opinion from his personal docoer and being diagnosed with a lung ailment known as “Valley Fever,” Mets’ doctors told Ike Davis he had “Acute Jungle Fever.”

Knicks to rent Jeremy Lin to other storyline-starved teams

Knicks' GM Glen Grunwald announced the team will rent out point guard Jeremy Lin to other pro sports teams who are looking for more media coverage and storylines to drum up fan interest.

David Wright picks himself in 11th round of fantasy baseball draft

“I was actually gonna take myself in the 10th, but I knew I’d still be around,” Wright said. “I needed a pitcher pretty bad, so I snagged Kyle Lohse.”

Rex Ryan boldly guarantees ‘at least one win’ for Jets next season

A day after admitting last year's Super Bowl guarantee was a "big mistake," Jets head coach Rex Ryan couldn't resist the urge to make another bold claim, stating that his team will win at least one game in 2012. He later doubled-down, saying he would quit his job if he wasn't correct.

Yankees ‘passed the hat’ to ensure Burnett’s trade to the Pirates

No one in the Yankees’ clubhouse will speak openly about it, but a grassroots movement in Tampa helped make the trade of A. J. Burnett to the Pirates earlier this week a reality.

Carlos Beltran cancels check for Jon Niese’s nosejob after Niese offers to pay for...

Jon Niese through he was returning a favor when he offered to pay for Carlos Beltran’s mole removal, but as it turned out, he was stuck with a bill for a nose job the former Met promised to pay for.