Saturday, February 22, 2025

Yankees surpass India, Italy and Russia to become world’s 8th largest economy

Team management is said to be thrilled to now have exceeded the payroll of the Dodgers, who last year surpassed the economies of Mexico, Spain and Australia for the 12th spot on the list of countries ranked by GDP.

Aaron Hernandez, Alex Rodriguez to star in Netflix’s ‘Trading Places’

Two of the most maligned figures in sports are linking up, but it probably won't get them anywhere.

Hall of Fame voters ‘can’t freaking wait’ for A-Rod to retire

"This is awesome!" exclaimed a baseball writer from New York. "I cannot freaking wait until I get the chance to make a statement and not vote for A-Rod. Sure, it will be muddled by all the other statements I'm making about players and the steroid era in general, but whatever."

Yankee savior Alfonso Soriano tests positive for being an Ex-Cub

The sample was compared to a blood test conducted during his time with the Cubs and they realized that leaving the Cubs actually improved Soriano's DNA to the point that he became an effective baseball player again.

MLB suspends Dempster five games for hitting A-Rod just once

Highly criticized by fans and local media, at least one teammate said Dempster “didn’t have the guts to plunk the S.O.B. the second time he came to the plate. “

Yankees and A-Rod agree to resolve their differences on ‘The Jerry Springer Show’

The episode, which will be called "Naughty Players and the GM’s Who Love Them" is scheduled to air on the WGN Network after a Maury Povich re-run and before a new episode of "I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant."

Experts: Soriano trade gives Cubs 0.00000001% better chance of winning Series by 2095

"Without question, the Cubs chances at a World Series victory by 2095 have now improved ever so slightly," said ESPN baseball analyst Jayson Stark.