Saturday, March 15, 2025

Paul DePodesta takes credit for Jonah Hill’s weight loss

When it was announced the bestselling book “Moneyball” would be adapted into a major motion picture, Mets front office staffer Paul DePodesta was beside himself with excitement until he learned a heavyset actor was playing his role.

Selig lets Mets sneak into NL Central while no one is looking

Earlier this week, it was reported the Mets were looking to trade off their entire roster, but with the team now thrust into a playoff race, those plans have been tossed out of the window.

Posada destroys Yankees clubhouse after misinformed brawl with Girardi

Jorge Posada is responsible for over $20,000 worth of damage to the Yankees clubhouse Tuesday after a spat with manager Joe Girardi fueled by the insecure DH's misinformed eavesdropping.

Indians trade top prospect to New York for $24 worth of beads

The Indians sent top Triple-A prospect Peter Minuit to the Yankees yesterday in exchange for $24 of beads, pelts and “clay pots to be named later.”

Jets apply franchise tag on Ed Hochuli

“Hochuli has an encyclopedic knowledge of the NFL rules, seems to have a good relationship with the league’s officiating crews, and scored a 49 on the Wunderlic test,” said head coach Rex Ryan.

GOP and Obama still divided over debt ceiling, Jose Reyes contract

While both sides are willing to make some concessions to end its lockout, neither side is budging on Mets shortstop Jose Reyes. The Republicans want to trade him to the highest bidder, like the Boston Red Sox, Manchester United or Exxon Mobil. But Democrat Nancy Pelosi insists that Reyes and Stanford senior Andrew Luck are untradeable because “we cannot mortgage the future to fund our excesses of today.”

Mets hoping to trade everyone except Jose Reyes and David Wright

Of all the Mets on the block, Carlos Beltran and Jonathan Niese seem to be the only ones drawing major interest, but Alderson insists he’ll do all in his power to move “the other guys.”