Visitors to will be disappointed to find the popular blog has shuttered after completely missing any scoop that Prince Fielder might sign with the Tigers, despite more than 400 posts over the last year speculating on where the hefty slugger might wind up.

“If we want to be a premier trade and free agency tracker, we should have our act together when it comes to one of the most sought-after free agents in recent history,” said Tim Dierkes, owner of the former site. “Seeing as we completely missed on this, I can’t in good faith continue running”

Dierkes said he didn’t feel like his site was to blame for missing out on the Fielder news, as his apparent nine-year $280 million contract with the Tigers took everyone by surprise.

“We don’t do the actual reporting, so it’s pretty tough to blame us here,” said Dierkes. “But sometimes I guess you can miss out on the actual news if all you’re doing is compiling work other people are doing.”
