Then loses credibility by taking Bears WR
Die-hard Bears fan Doug Wendlandt of Schaumburg has a storied history of drafting Bears quarterbacks each August in his local fantasy draft. And, for the past 15 seasons, he has been the subject of laughter and ridicule from his fellow participants. But this year’s story was a little different.
“We were all set to give him crap for drafting another lousy Bears quarterback, but then remembered they acquired a respectable one this off-season,” said Rob Westberg, last year’s league runner-up. “Doug may have a chance to win a few games this year.”
Wendlandt made his inaugural Bears QB pick in 1993 by drafting Jim Harbaugh. Picks of subsequent seasons, including Rick Mirer, Shane Matthews, Cade McNown and Kordell Stewart, all landed him dead last in his league standings.
Aside from selecting Jay Cutler, Wendlandt also drafted Matt Forte and the Bears team defense before taking a random flier on wideout Earl Bennett, which drew some snickers.
From theĀ August 2009 issue by Brian Berns